
Courses available throughout the year

An RYA Recognised Training Centre available to everyone

Our RYA training courses are open to all existing Wilsonian SC members and are held throughout the year by qualified instructures. Non-RYA courses are available to non-members when published, but are often space limited as courses at our club are popular.

If you are not a member, you can join today and enrol straight away on to a course

If you enrol and commit to a course at the same time as joining as a new members, you will not need to pay the £50* joining fee.

* Available to all memberships that have a joining fee, and will be deducted from the cost of the membership and course combined.


National Dinghy Sailing Scheme aimed at adults - £75

  • Courses cover everything from starting to sail for beginners through to seamanship, performance sailing and racing for those who already know the basics of dinghy sailing.
  • We typically attempt to programme in at least two courses each year.

Youth Sailing Scheme for juniors (under 18) and youths (18-25)

  • A progressive scheme taking students from starting to sail through to advanced racing skills and techniques.
  • Junior training sessions are run on most Saturday mornings as part of our Saturday Skimmers club.
  • During the latter part of the school holidays, our Junior Week runs as a fun and intensive training sessions in a friendly atmosphere.

For more information, please email

Powerboat Scheme (Level 1 & 2) - £75

  • Courses range from Level 1 introduction through to advanced boat handling and navigation.
  • Previous years' events include our juniors and youths in entering the annual RYA Honda Rib Challenge with its final at the Southampton Boat Show.

Safety Boat - £75

  • The focus on the Safety Boat course is to ensure that the club has a pool of qualified drivers for our safety boats.
  • Additional components can include race management and race safety.

Safety Boat and Powerboat Refresher - FREE

  • This short refresher course is available to exiting members only and is there to help top up the skills needed to perform Safety Boat duties.

First Aid - Price on application

  • Dependant on demand, we can provide First Aid training and often invite persons from outside the club to lower attendance costs.

Instructor Training - Price on application

  • The club runs courses to train dinghy instructors and race coaches on an ad hoc basis.
  • The club supports the local Medway Sports Leadership training programme.

Register your interest

If you want to know more, email

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