
Racing all year round and at all states of the tide

Approximately 93 races a year, most with multiple starts.

The Club's main season runs from the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October. A more limited programme of sailing in the winter runs for the hardy sailors.

Most Sunday races have two starts. A long course for the faster boats which run from the Club down towards buoy sixteen if the weather and tide are right. And a shorter course for the slower boats down towards buoy twenty-three. Handicap adjustments based on Portsmouth Yardstick numbers are all results.

Other events explore the Creeks with one race going as far as the South Kent buoy at the mouth of the Medway.

Generally starting from the fixed club line set across the river from the Race Box in the Dinghy Park, but specific events such as the 3-Race Regatta and Commodore races start from a committee boat.


  • The sailing year kicks off with the Chilly Willies Open Handicap Race on 1st January - a single race with entry fees donated to the RNLI.

February and March

  • A Warm-Up Series, with shorter courses, runs for the five Sundays prior to the season proper, and attracts the hardiest or most sailing-addicted members!

End of March to end October

  • This is when the majority the club racing takes place.
  • Handicap Series Racing with two starts in the morning and two in the afternoon – longer courses for faster boats and shorter ones for the slower ones. Fleet results are given for popular boats such as the 2000s
  • Club Events include a Commodores Series on five Sundays per season with longer races taking place around high water. An alternative to the Commodores is the Bosuns Race for those who prefer a shorter course and special races for the over 60s (masters), ladies, juniors, and novices/improvers. There are other one-off events such as the South Kent Race downriver to near Sheerness and back, the Leigh Trophy and Creeks Races exploring lesser-used creeks, a 3-Race Regatta, the season opening Ice Breaker and end-of-season Laying-Up Cup plus pursuit races based on personal handicaps.
  • On Saturday afternoons there are races for the novices/improvers and if you wish a chance to join in the dinghy racing at Medway Yacht Club - just up the river.
  • Over a weekend in the middle of the season, we host a major event (Formally known as the Wilsonian River Challenge, Wilsonian Grand Prix, or Medway Dinghy Regatta) and have visitors from all over the UK competing in this race event.

November and December

  • The club runs an Open Winter Series, which is well-supported both by club members and visitors, and which offers the choice of Long, Medium and Lapping Courses.

If you want to know more, email

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