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Darnett Fort Cruise and Picnic

18th March 2020

Darnett Fort Cruise and Picnic

Including the adventures of three men (and some women) and a dog in a boat.

On a very windy and overcast 7th October a mix of Wayfarers, Fevas, Toppers, Drascombe Luggers and Ribs set of with a mix of Skimmers, Adult, Skimmers Sea Scouts and other club members for a noon sailing to Darnett Island for a top of the tide picnic. Despite the conditions there were a good number of people and all in high spirits. The skimmers demonstrated the value of their training by comfortably sailing out and back in Toppers and Fevas with hardly a capsize. Others opted for the relative comfort of a RIB or a Drascombe Lugger or the cosiness of several well crewed wayfarers.

After a quick and wet sail, the cruise landed on Darnet Island for a picnic, and after some botanizing (there are several interesting estuary plants on the island) and an exploration of the fort it was time to leave on the turn of the tide for another exciting ride back to the club.

Despite the weather the feedback on the event was very positive; for Skimmers and Adult Skimmers it marked the end of the Skimmer programme and for other club members it was enjoyable change of pace towards the end of summer sailing – we will certainly be looking at a similar 2018 event.

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