Welcome to our sailing club

The Friendly Family Club

If you want to know more about joining, please email membership@wilsoniansc.org.uk,
or call 07980 158 948.

Alternatively, please visit the club in person, preferable from midday on Saturday or from 10am on Sunday.

Located on the north shore of the River Medway close to the village of Hoo, near Rochester. It prides itself on being a very friendly club that welcomes visitors and new members and is one of the largest clubs' solely for dinghy sailors in Kent.

Hidden in woodland on a south facing hillside next to a shingle beach from which you can launch and recover dinghies at any stage of the tide, we have a full racing, cruising, training, and social programme for juniors and adults providing an excellent escape to sail and meet friends.

  • Annual family membership for only £236.
  • Our current membership includes about 160 adults and about 30 juniors.
  • An RYA Affiliated club with our own established RYA Recognised Training Centre.

   Latest racing results

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What's coming up

Date Event Name
30th Mar Club event Ice Breaker
5th Apr Training Saturday Skimmers
5th Apr Training Adult Rookies
6th Apr Series event AM and PM Early Season Points 1
6th Apr Social Fitting Out Supper
We sail...


Starting from a fixed line in front of the club with specific events starting from committee boat.


Timed around high waters and aimed to take members in their dinghies to places on the river where racing does not venture.


An RYA Recognised Training Centre providing dinghy sailing and powerboating courses to all club or RYA members.

House & Social

Meals, quizzes, talks, and general get together events throughout the year.

Saturday Skimmers - Saturday mornings from 9am

Designed to give under 18's the opportunity to learn sailing from their first time on the water up to how they compete in a championship.

Junior Week - 20th to 24th August 2024

A full week of activities on and off the water with coaching, games, and all ending with our Junior Regatta

Adult Rookies - Saturday afternoons

An informal sailing session for adults with all ranges of abilities to learn sailing skills and gain confidence on the water.

Sailing Week - 9th to 13th July 2024

A week to focus on fun sailing, some cruising, and social activities with coaching available for skills development.

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